Tuesday, March 8, 2022

72. Celebrate the small wins! it will bring you closer to the "BIG" one!


As financial advisors, what are the "small wins" that will motivate us to go further?

it could be a meaningful conversation with a prospect, sharing financial insights that can help in widening his understanding of the pros and cons of acting/not acting in starting to prepare for his important life goals

  • will accomplishing more of these "encounters" bring you closer to your goals?
  • does this give you a sense of satisfaction of a job well done?
  • celebrate this as a small step that leads to a bigger one!

then it could be that prospect that decides to be a client by getting his first insurance policy even if he is starting with the "minimum" premium

  • your hard work is paying off
  • you have just helped one family take their first step to financial security
  • celebrate this small step that gives meaning to our financial advisory practice!

the client turned to a satisfied client and started referring you to his friends because he found so much value in your advice, he is especially very appreciative that you took time to explain to him that the current market volatility brought about by the Russian conflict is just a small blip and the market usually resume its upward bias in time

the three most important events in our practice that we should celebrate are:

  • A meaningful financial conversation with a prospect
  • the prospect that turns into a client
  • the satisfied client who refers you to his friends and associates
celebrate these three and it will keep you motivated to achieve your much bigger goal of finally qualifying to the MDRT!

All the best my friends!

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