Monday, January 17, 2022

65. To qualify for MDRT, bring in 2 clients per week


Most of us have already set targets for ourselves, no doubt a lot would be aiming to qualify for MDRT and beyond, but wishing and believing is not enough, it must be supported by a process that outlines the critical action steps and benchmarks that would tell us if we are on track

The two most important benchmark for tracking is first, the number of clients that we brought in and second, the average case size

The number of clients that we bring in is a function of our activities;  the more number of prospect engagements we have, the more clients we can bring in, this is very straightforward

so wishing and believing will come to naught if it is not supported by the number of sales calls that we do regularly

Average case size is a function of skill; we cannot close a Php 1 Million policy doing a Php 10,000 presentation, To get prospects to entrust to us their millions, we should be able to demonstrate credibly through our advisory conversations the extent of our knowledge and expertise in helping them achieve their financial objectives

Among the two, "number of clients" would be the more rewarding benchmark in the sense that "victories" no matter how small will motivate us to do more, as we do more presentations, we will become better, doing this regularly will raise our skill level

This will lead to progressively bigger case size

To qualify for MDRT, aim to bring in 2 clients per week, doing this consistently will greatly increase our chances of finally qualifying for the MDRT

All the best my friends!

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