Friday, December 17, 2021

55. "we are not product peddlers!!!"


one of my most embarrassing moment while working with the agency force happened when we started introducing mutual funds - I had my acetates (yes, acetates ha ha ha) all ready and started to sing high praises for the superiority of funds when one of the senior leaders at the back commented in a loud voice that silenced the room - 


People don't buy a product or an idea because we think they need them, they buy because they realized its value to them!

The most valuable lesson often comes from the most painful experience

We, who are in the advisory business should understand our audience first before offering any product solutions, the presentation should be designed and delivered in their context

Context being in the "what's in it for them" (WIIFT) framework

Author Jerry Weissman in his book "Presenting to Win, The Art of Telling your Story" listed down the 5 cardinal sins of poor presentations

Starting with the end in mind - what is the purpose of the presentation? is it to inform? to convince? to present a new idea? to update a market situation?

How will this new information benefit the audience? will it help them achieve their financial goals more efficiently? will it help them mitigate risk? will it allow them to take advantage of new opportunities?

Slides should be in proper order of the "story" you wanted to tell, one common mistake even for seasoned presenters is simply collecting slides from various presentations with different fonts and templates, spend care and time in preparation, this may be the first and last opportunity given to us

Be mindful of being overly technical, our audience may not have the same background as ourselves, one very useful advice I got was when preparing materials is to imagine talking to a 4-year old, this may however result in us being seen as condescending, in my personal experience, this is what I make of this advice - in terms of our materials, simplify it to a point where even a four year old will understand, but in terms of delivery - imagine you are talking to your superiors

Keep it short (40 minutes tops)

All the best my friends!


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