Friday, December 31, 2021

62. Investing for retirement; mutual funds or VUL?

You are investing for your retirement 20 years from now, you opted for a mutual fund as vehicle, how confident are you that you would achieve your objective?

are you 60% confident? 80%? 100%?

There are 4 major global financial crisis in the last 20 years or so starting with the bursting of the dot com bubble in 2000, followed by 9/11 one year after, who can forget the US sub-prime debacle of 2007 to 2009 which led to a global crisis and saw the collapse of previously "too big to fail" financial institutions, we are now currently trying to recover from the 4th - the Covid-19 induced crisis  

This is the Market Black Box - major global negative events causing market upheavals, these may wreck havoc on our carefully planned investment portfolio especially if you are retiring in the midst of one

From a personal finance perspective, what can happen in 20 years?

and our ability to hold on to a long-term investment may diminish over time

as we get older over the next twenty years, 
the chances of us getting sick becomes higher?

Using VULs (Variable Universal Life) as vehicle for retirement funding

VULs are life insurance products with an investment component that invest in funds similar to mutual funds, it is very flexible in the sense that various "riders" can be attached to address specific risk mitigation needs like coverage for critical illnesses and others, take note however that there would be corresponding premiums to pay for the riders

You are investing for your retirement 20 years from now, you opted for a VUL as vehicle, how confident are you that you would achieve your objective?

are you 60% confident? 80%? 100%?

all the best my friends!

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