Thursday, December 23, 2021

58. To overcome rejections, change the "FRAME" of engagement

I once heard an old timer in the industry declared
" I eat rejections for breakfast, lunch and dinner!"

One of the most challenging aspect at the start of a financial advisor's career is developing the ability to overcome the demoralizing effects of REJECTIONS

This is maybe because on how traditional agency management is FRAMED, top advisors are honored based on case count and size, qualifying for international recognitions is a direct function on how many products are sold

This is a sales job right? no matter what is said about dignity and honor of the profession, at the end of the day, success goes to the one who sold the most

This is the "selling frame", but what are frames?

a FRAME is the context by which we communicate, it influences what we say, why we say it and define the outcome, its the different "hats" that we wear, if we are talking to our children we are wearing our "parent" hat - conversation could be patient, informing, authoritative?

The selling frame
  • you have a need 
  • I have a product that solves that need
  • outcome - buy from me

The case for advocacy
  • Inflation destroys the value of hard-earned savings
  • People are not aware that over time, this may become a serious problem
  • Inflation risk cannot be totally eliminated
  • It can only be minimized through proper diversification
  • outcome - would you like more free information?

Advocacy is sharing valuable information freely, 
without expectation of return, 
without any expectations, 
there would be no rejections

Changing the FRAME of how we engage prospective clients from getting (a sale) to giving (information) may help a financial advisor achieve the numbers needed to make this a worthwhile profession - getting enough sales to make a living and more

there are currently a sizeable number of Filipinos who believed that "savings" alone is enough to help them achieve financial security, this may work for some but maybe not for all, they would be needing "advice" on how to do this more efficiently, a financial literacy advocacy aims to provide FREE but valuable information to help make this happen

GIVE FIRST! so you may receive..

all the best my friends!


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