Monday, December 13, 2021

51. Earn the privilege to give financial advice

One of the early lessons I learned from Boss Rex when we are introducing mutual funds to the market in the 90s is how can we be compelling (trustworthy maybe a better word?) salesmen of mutual funds when we ourselves are not invested in it. 

So in spite of the meager  salary (a ha ha) that our boss is paying us (si boss rex rin yun), most of us in the sales department started our own investment plan

It follows that insurance salesmen should also be insured themselves before they offer this to prospective clients, how can we offer something we don't believe in? 

The usual excuse of telling ourselves that we will get ourselves insured once we are able to afford it sounds very much like the excuses we get from prospective clients

In my so many years in the industry I am saddened to discover that there were even some instances when families of deceased insurance agents have to scrounge for cash to pay for final expenses, and to face difficult financial challenges going forward

To earn the privilege to give financial advice depends a lot on our "credibility"

credibility that only comes from walking the talk, when we go out there and "advocate" to people that they should save money, prepare for their financial goals, insure themselves against possible financial losses, etc, 

did we follow our own advice?

something to think about my friends..

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