Friday, December 10, 2021

48. Why am I not selling as much as I want to?



As financial advisors, our success depends a lot on how well we can articulate the value we bring to the table, most prospective clients will say "NO" only because they do not appreciate how our financial advice and solutions may be of value to them in their quest for financial security

just like a carpenter (I used a carpenter as an analogy because its Christmas ! ha ha ha) starting a new job, he makes sure that all the tools and materials he needs are in place before he starts

Similarly, a financial advisor should bring an important "tool" to every client engagement, a "value proposition framework", an outline of talking points listing down the reasons as to why we are the best person to advice them on their personal finance matters

this is something that we should spend time to develop and continuously improve 

Write it down, amend to improve, practice, amend again is necessary, memorize (yes, memorize) and let it serve as a guide whenever we have client dialogues

here is a sample framework that may help you develop your own value proposition framework

all the best my friends!

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