Sunday, December 5, 2021

43. Advocacy on an empty stomach?


The ultimate objective of financial advocacy is financial literacy

Financial literacy is defined  “as the ability to process economic information and make informed decisions about financial planning that could lead to financial security for the family. 

I used the word "could" because knowing without doing is nothing at all

Who do you think will benefit from this?

Your friends? relatives? co-workers? somebody you meet on the street (hopefully wearing a face mask he he) EVERYBODY!

As advisors, we are regularly provided with seminars/trainings that aims to equip us with financial knowledge, would it be a good idea to share these knowledge to as many people as possible?

But let's be practical here, my father was a teacher, maybe just like a lot of teachers out there, they simply loved what they do without so much regard to how much they earn 

financial advocacy in some ways is just like teaching - but with an opportunity to earn as financial advisors

while there is no guarantee that every advocacy you make will result to a sale, be glad in knowing that you have helped somebody become more financially informed 

so start with wanting to do good for others, plant as many seeds as you can, I believe that all these good you are spreading will redound to some future benefits for yourself

keep the faith!


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